Make a difference

A few years ago, our state board required additional continuing education hours for a topic that, at the time, felt like it was coming out of left field; Human Trafficking. That requirement ended up turning into years long research and non-coincidental events taking place that have shaped the way I look at this world.

Anymore, it is incredibly difficult to trust what organizations are actually putting in the work and doing what they say they are doing. I am proud to offer this page as a personally vetted vehicle in which you can feel good knowing that whatever organization you decide to donate to, has been researched extensively and/ or personally vetted by me. I am honored to be trusted with your face, to help educate and help you along your skincare journey, and hope that same trust flows over into donating to incredible causes and organizations that are near and dear to my heart.

Operation Underground railroad

I came across this organization in 2020 in the heat of finding out the dark secrets this world has been hiding. I did my research on the founder and cannot be more amazed by what Tim Ballard is doing to help rescue kids, train operatives, and rally ex-military and ex-police force, within the United States and abroad. Human Trafficking is the largest profiting business globally, and unfortunately The United States is ranked high on that list. This organization makes it incredibly easy to get involved, whether you want to become an abolitionist by donating monthly, become a home base to help promote awareness in your community or simply read up on the statistics to help get the word out about how rampant this unfortunate business is. Tim has put out a documentary called ‘Operation Toussant” on Netflix showcasing the reality of the world of trafficking and has a movie depicting him and his story called ‘The Sound of Freedom’. Check them out and look for upcoming events to help promote this incredible organization and join the fight to end Human Trafficking.

Operation Underground Railroad